BusinessDay is West Africa’s leading provider of business intelligence and information on diversified media platforms, including online, mobile, and print. For over 20 years, BusinessDay has evolved in providing business and financial content in Nigeria and West Africa. is an independent online-only news platform which operates out of the Netherlands. It was created in 2005 in order to empower readers and subscribers with the latest news and discussions about nutrition, health, agriculture, food marketing, food politics, and land-use-related energy and water issues.
The partnership with BusinessDay is expected to help both parties achieve a cross-border point of presence and extend their services to a wider market. It would also help to bridge any business-related information gaps and foster trade relations between the Netherlands and Nigeria.
Foodlog is powered by quality research from its in-house research professionals and a strong partnership with academics from Leiden, Delft, Erasmus-Rotterdam Universities and Wageningen UR Universities.

Every year, Foodlog receives an average of 1.5 million unique visitors to its own site, with a regular visitor base of 150,000 readers plus content collaborations such as with Microsoft News (MSN), Boerenbusiness, VILT (Belgium), Food Personality and Alea with a reach of half a million unique frequent readers. The quality of Foodlog’s discussions makes the medium a key media influencer.

The company sets up international networks through (AFN) and connects them at the intersection of private, public, and citizen interests. Just like Foodlog, AFN’s goal is to do grassroots politics that considers and discusses the choices facing governments, NGOs and companies. This brainpower confronts and facilitates governments, NGOs, and companies with the positive and negative effects of their options., AFN is a breeding ground for encounters and the platform creates opportunities for unique new partnerships between involved international parties.

Foodlog currently has multiple business partners across the Netherlands such as the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for sustainability, Koppert Biological, Royal Agrifirm group systems integrator Info Support, FNLI (the Dutch umbrella organization for food processing companies) and a host of others. These business members endorse the importance of open space in a society where cutting-edge conversations can take place.