In farming, this principle is applicable also as farmers are faced with several shocks that inhibit the growth of their business. It is sad to know that resilience is yet to be fully integrated in production. This makes bouncing back more difficult and makes them more vulnerable.

In production, shocks encountered come in various guises. Flooding of the whole farm leading to total crop loss. A devastating pest infestation. A pandemic affecting the whole food system (especially the supply chain) leading to high post harvest losses.
Insecurity preventing access to the farm. Mental illness as a result of huge losses. Loss of loved ones and drought amongst others.

Among all these shocks, mental illness is the least addressed or less spoken about among the producers. The issue of mental illness has aggravated as a result of climate change, coupled with the pandemic, which resulted in huge losses for many farmers. They are yet to recover. This needs to be addressed urgently.

There is a need to address the psychosocial needs of the farmers through awareness creation, identifying the root causes of these challenges, development of measures to avoid future recurrence, and provide psychosocial support to those who need it and ensure that it is accessible to them at all times.

We are at a time where farmers need all the support to bounce back as quickly as possible, and we all must be consciously involved to assist them in order to put us back on course to achieve food security. Today, when you see any farmer, hug them tight and appreciate them because they are the real hunger fighters.

