The five pillars of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships (Known as the 5Ps). These 5Ps are interwoven and can help to achieve greater results in improving the overall ecosystem. Therefore, consciously implementing these 5Ps will be a great transformation and real growth and development to the economy.

In the context of agriculture, people are an essential asset and can be in the form of farmers, laborers, and service providers, amongst others. Thus, the main goal is to improve their livelihood and ensure that more people are taken out of poverty. Therefore, our programmes must be suitable to their needs and address their fundamental problem to ensure that human capacity is well developed.

Besides, our planet should be well protected at all times. We need to build the consciousness of people in order to conserve the environment. The practices of the people must be environmentally friendly and promote biodiversity. Furthermore, prosperity is the key when our resources are well distributed and used, so that everyone enjoys prosperity in various forms and can access it without any restriction or discrimination.

Moreover, we also need to create a peaceful environment where farmers, especially smallholder farmers, can thrive and succeed. In Nigeria for instance, over the years insecurity has threatened food security in several communities, leading to the highest food inflation being currently experienced in the country. Sadly, this situation will continue to be worse if nothing concrete is done to reduce its impact. Farmers can only achieve food security when their lives are also secured.

In conclusion, achieving all the first 4Ps is possible when all stakeholders can come together in partnership. Partnership for growth and development is key to ensure that issues are addressed holistically and no one is left behind. This is the time for all to rethink the future of food and build a strong system that will promote the needed development we desire to see in our world.
