Mirroring the physical world, the digitised world will come up with new structures and approaches we can now start to imagine. Their impact will be far more disruptive than mechanisation was in farming in the 19th and 20th centuries. Digital food will completely rearrange the system as whole, from soil to stomach.

The Consumer Goods Forum DataPorts project is the foundation to build Intelligent Value Networks (IVN), enabling companies to reinvent their value chains as modern value networks. They are Peer-to-Peer and characterized by speed and intelligence to meet the demands of today’s connected consumers.

The physical aspect of food production, processing and logistics is the only barrier to slow down new ways of organising the food chain, doing business with partners and serving customers and their ever changing response to new offerings.

SyncForce specialises in rethinking processes instead of just automating them
Hans de Gier is the CEO and founder of SyncForce. The company organises all information flows within organisations of packaged goods manufacturers. SyncForce specialises in rethinking processes instead of just automating them. From the perspective of SyncForce, digitalisation leads to new approaches to old ways of organising.

De Gier is an enchanting presenter of the world that has already begun, since the enabling technology is being developed by a the CGF in a consortium of industry leaders: Bye manpower, hello machines and value. What are the implications for brick and mortar and online retailers, food processors, brand owners, traders, farmers, suppliers, standard setters, control bodies, food safety authorities, and policy makers?

The Digital Food conference series originated in a Dutch dock house in 2019. We’re now turning it step-by-step into a global community that meets every two weeks online and regularly in real life on different continents.

Join the Conversation Tuesday February 2
Join us if you want to know what is going on, what is at stake, and what we can do to make the world a better place by sharing value. 

On Tuesday ,February 2 Tiffany Tsui (Springtide Strategy) in a 60 minute chat will interview Hans de Gier (SyncForce), on Intelligent Value Networks, P2P transactions without human interventions.

Your questions are part of the game. So join us live! In case you can’t make it, we’ll post the video and will be happy to take your questions and answer them on demand.

Registration is no longer possible. Upon registration (Free! - the first rounds are on the house) you will receive a link to the ZOOM-chat.